Cash Management

The California Crv Ripoff: A Costly Scam To The Consumers

Every day, millions of consumers in California drink from aluminum, glass, and plastic containers, over 24 billion per year to be exact. These containers carry a fantastic 5 to 10-cent recycling redemption fee known as the California Refund Value (CRV). At a glance, this might seem like a well-intentioned initiative aimed at pushing responsible disposal and recycling of beverage containers. However, a closer look reveals what could only be described as a grand California CRV ripoff.

For consumers, the CRV fee is largely invisible, cleverly tucked into the total price of the beverage. However, if you have ever noticed the price of drinks in California is slightly higher than other states, it is the CRV fee at play. The scheme requires consumers to pay the CRV fee upfront, providing a potential for 100% refund when they recycle the used beverage containers. Therein lies the crux of the problem. Many difficulties arise when trying to redeem these refunds, making the process implicatively challenging.

Bottle recycling facilities, also known as buyback centers, are the pillar of the CRV reimbursement program. Consumers take their containers to these facilities and receive the CRV fee they paid initially. But in the past decade, these centers have been closing at an alarming rate. A 2019 report indicated that almost 40% of these facilities have shut down across California due to financial unviability. This closure leaves consumers with little to no options for reclaiming their money.

To exacerbate the situation, grocery stores are mandated by Californian law to redeem CRV deposits if there are no recycling centers within a certain distance. However, many of these stores systematically dodge this responsibility, making the process even more onerous for the ordinary consumer trying to recover their CRV deposits.

Recycling centers usually verify the number of containers they receive manually or with standard equipment like a note counter. However, the unreliability of many other alternative solutions, coupled with the rapidly disappearing recycling centers, surely handcuffs the average consumer.

All these factors lead to an unfortunate reality. Most Californians, burdened by the inconvenient and challenging process, end up not recycling their containers or receiving their CRV refunds. A startling statistic reveals that about $1.5 billion of CRV fees have gone unclaimed in the past five years. The essence of the CRV scheme is progressively turning into a deceptive tax on consumers rather than an incentive to recycle.

Moreover, the ‘Fund’, where all these unclaimed CRV deposits supposedly go, is mired with questions about its management and lack of transparency. While the funds are intended for supporting the recycling infrastructure and promoting environmental stewardship, inconsistencies in reports and budgetary misalignments make it difficult to ascertain where these funds are exactly utilized.

In conclusion, the CRV scheme, which is constructed around a cyclic process of charge-and-refund, is undeniably plagued with issues. The system that was designed to motivate responsible recycling effectively becomes a convoluted ripoff, with consumers losing billions of dollars in unclaimed CRV fees. It is high time that lawmakers and responsible bodies revisit this system. California’s beverage consumers deserve a transparent, straightforward, and efficient refund system, not a recipe for confusion and financial loss.

Forex Trading


Understanding the Intricacies of Foreign Exchanges

Foreign exchanges, also known as forex or FX, are a vital cog in the machinery of international trade. It’s the marketplace where currencies from different countries are traded, allowing corporations, governments, investment management firms, banks, and retail investors to buy, sell, speculate on, and hedge currencies. Understanding the nuances of foreign exchanges can give investors an edge, helping them to navigate the global financial landscape more efficiently.

At its most basic, foreign exchanges operate on the principle of currency pairs. Traders buy one currency and sell another simultaneously, based on in-depth analyses of various economic indicators, geopolitical events, and market psychology, to name a few. The currency market is the most liquid trading market in the world, with an average daily trading volume exceeding 5 trillion dollars.

Learn everything about Forex Trading

Forex trading involves a good deal of risk, but the potential rewards can be significant for those who take the time to master it. If you want to dive into this world of financial opportunities, you must first learn everything about Forex trading.

Forex trading generally involves analysing the world economy, assessing potential currency moves, and making well-informed buying or selling decisions. Understanding economic indicators such as inflation rates, gross domestic product (GDP), manufacturing data, and even geopolitical events forms a crucial part of a Forex trader’s toolkit.

Moreover, a firm grasp of technical analysis techniques is fundamental for every Forex trader. This involves the study of price charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, and various other analytical tools to predict possible price movements. Not only this, but the ability to employ effective risk management strategies, including the use of stop losses and take profit orders at appropriate levels, is also a critical success factor for those seeking to thrive in the realm of foreign exchanges.

The Importance of a Forex Broker

A Forex broker is an essential intermediary that provides traders with access to the foreign exchange market. There are a multitude of brokers to choose from, each offering a variety of trading platforms, spreads, margins, and other features. It is essential to select a reputable broker that is regulated by a well-recognized regulatory body. This will ensure that your trading capital is safe and that the broker operates under fair trading conditions.

Most brokers offer demo trading accounts, which allow individuals to practice trading in a risk-free environment. This is an excellent platform to test strategies and to get accustomed to the operational aspects of foreign exchanges. Hence, a novice trader should leverage these opportunities before venturing into live trading.

Embrace the world of Forex Trading

In conclusion, the world of foreign exchanges is both fascinating and challenging. The dynamic nature of the forex market provides endless opportunities for traders to profit from the fluctuations in the currency rates. However, succeeding in this venture demands a rapid comprehension of the global economy, financial markets, and an array of trading principles and strategies.

As the path to Forex trading success is not easy and involves an element of risk, time, and continuous learning, it requires serious commitment. Despite these challenges, the chance to create wealth in this vast liquid market lures many to explore this exciting world of foreign exchanges. So embrace the challenges, continue to learn everything about Forex trading, and embark on an exciting journey in the world of finance.

International Tax Specialists

Tax Professional Near Me A Comprehensive Guide

When tax season looms, equating to a standout amongst the most stressful periods for many individuals and businesses, the query on influencing minds will often be “where can I discover a tax professional near me?”. Whether you manage personal taxation, business tax, or something niche like us tax australian superannuation, finding a reliable, skilled tax professional can be a real game-changer.

Why Do We Need Tax Professionals?

Tax law is intricate, often difficult to understand for a layman. The seemingly labyrinth-like tax regulations are full of subtleties and particularities that one unfamiliar with its dynamics can easily overlook. A critical particularity to note, particularly for U.S citizens living in Australia, is the option of having a us tax australian superannuation. Navigating this complexity requires a professional tax advisor skilled in handling both local and international tax law.

The Role of A Tax Professional

Trained tax professionals offer expertise in understanding, planning, and filing tax returns, ensuring you comply with the legislation while optimizing tax savings. They maintain a constant vigil on the ever-changing tax laws, adapting their strategies to cater to their client’s unique needs. For instance, understanding the intricate laws concerning us tax australian superannuation can be extremely beneficial for US expatriates in Australia.

Finding the Right Tax Professional

The query “tax professional near me” certainly stems from the thought of convenience and accessibility. Yet, proximity should only be one factor within the selection process. Other crucial considerations include the level of expertise, experience, certification, and ability to provide personalized service. A tax advisor who grasps your personal or business situation, including puzzled aspects like your us tax australian superannuation, can greatly influence your tax optimization strategy.

The Professional Tax Network

Finding the suitable tax professional near you could be a needle-in-the-haystack scenario if you don’t know how to source them. Thankfully, you have plenty of resources to direct your search. Professional organizations such as the National Association of Tax Professionals, Australian Taxation Office, or the CPA Australia, to name a few, have directories of registered tax preparers. Websites, online forums, and social media platforms are additional resources for finding reviews and recommendations.

Getting the Most Out of Your Tax Professional

Your collaboration with your tax professional is crucial in ensuring you obtain the optimal results. Be open about your financial situation and provide necessary documents promptly. For cases related to international taxation such as us tax australian superannuation, ensure all pertinent information concerning your work history, nationality, and residency is readily available for your tax advisor.


Finding a tax professional near you who can offer expert advice is the first defense line against the intricate world of taxation. Whether it’s basic tax planning, audits, or navigating the complexities of aspects like us tax australian superannuation, the right tax professional can help you remain compliant with tax laws and optimize your savings. By concentrating on factors such as proximity, expertise, experience, and personalized service, you can assure you’re dealing with a competent tax professional up to the task.

Real Estate

The Ultimate Guide To Using A 401k Calculator

Preparing for a secure retirement is an essential financial goal for everyone. Central to this preparation is understanding your 401k and its potential growth over time. The 401k calculator is a valuable tool you can use to forecast the future value of your retirement savings plan. By understanding the benefits and how to use a 401k calculator, you can take command of your retirement planning.

What is a 401k Calculator?

A 401k Calculator is an online tool that helps you estimate how much your 401k retirement plan will end up once you retire. Input parameters such as your current age, expected retirement age, current 401k balance, annual salary, personal contribution percentage, and employer-matching percentage. The calculator then projects your 401k balance at retirement, considering compound interest over time. This tool takes several variables into consideration to provide the most accurate projection possible.

Why Use a 401k Calculator?

A 401k Calculator provides vital insight into the growth potential of your retirement funds. It helps assess whether your current contribution strategy is enough to meet your retirement goals. If your projected amount falls short of your expectations, you can make adjustments like increasing your contribution or revisiting your retirement age.

Application in Real Life Scenario

Now, let’s consider a real-world application of a 401k calculator using a scenario involving a fictional company called Mr Property Services.

Suppose you’re newly employed at Mr Property Services and you’re starting with a salary of $50,000 annually. The company generously matches 100% of your 401k contributions, up to 5% of your salary. By using a 401k calculator, you can easily determine what your 401k balance will look like at various points in the future, assuming you contribute the full 5%.

Interpreting the Results

As with any financial planning tool, a 401k calculator is intended to provide estimates based on inputs provided by the user. The result it provides you gives you an idea of whether or not you are on track to obtaining your desired financial stability at retirement. However, keep in mind that actual results may vary due to economic factors, market performance, and changes in your personal circumstances.

Final Thoughts

A 401k calculator is a crucial planning tool that uncovers the full potential of your retirement plan. Whether you’re employed at a company like Mr Property Services or any other, understanding how 401ks grow over time is fundamental to strategic retirement planning. By using a 401k calculator, you can gain insight into your future savings, enable proactive decision-making, and secure your retirement.


Yoga Alliance The Gold Standard For Yoga Certification | Hamilton Yoga

When it comes to yoga certification, one name stands out as the gold standard: Yoga Alliance. Whether you are a yoga teacher or a student, having a Yoga Alliance certification brings numerous benefits and opportunities for growth in your yoga journey. Hamilton Yoga, a leading yoga studio in town, recognizes the importance of Yoga Alliance certification and promotes its significance within the yoga community.

What is Yoga Alliance?

Yoga Alliance is an international nonprofit organization that sets the standards for yoga teacher training programs and professionals. Founded in 1999, Yoga Alliance has become the largest and most recognized authority in the yoga community. Their mission is to promote and support the integrity and diversity of the teachings of yoga.

Why is Yoga Alliance Certification Important?

Yoga Alliance certification holds significant value for both yoga teachers and yoga studios, and here’s why:

1. Credibility and Recognition

With a Yoga Alliance certification, you gain credibility and recognition in the yoga industry. Yoga Alliance ensures that registered teachers and schools meet certain minimum standards, which gives students confidence in the quality of the instruction they receive.

Hamilton Yoga, being an advocate for excellence, recognizes the importance of Yoga Alliance certification for its instructors. By having teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance, the studio ensures its students receive the highest level of professional instruction.

2. Access to Multiple Opportunities

Yoga Alliance certification opens doors to a wide range of opportunities. Many yoga studios, retreat centers, and gyms require their teachers to hold a Yoga Alliance certification. Being registered with Yoga Alliance increases your chances of being hired and allows you to expand your teaching career.

At Hamilton Yoga, the studio actively encourages its teachers to obtain Yoga Alliance certification as it broadens their career prospects and enables them to reach wider audiences with their teachings.

3. Continuous Professional Development

Yoga Alliance emphasizes the importance of ongoing education and professional development. With their certification, you are encouraged to continue learning and growing as a yoga professional. Yoga Alliance offers numerous workshops, conferences, and online courses that help enhance your skills and deepen your understanding of yoga.

Hamilton Yoga believes in nurturing the growth and development of its teachers. By having Yoga Alliance certified instructors, the studio ensures their teachers stay up to date with the latest advancements and provide the best possible experience to their students.

4. Community and Networking

Being a part of Yoga Alliance gives you access to a vast community of yoga professionals, teachers, and students. It establishes connections across the global yoga community, allowing you to network, collaborate, and learn from like-minded individuals.

Hamilton Yoga, with its commitment to fostering a sense of community, values the networking opportunities that come with Yoga Alliance certification. It encourages its teachers and students to connect with others in the yoga industry and grow together.

The Process of Yoga Alliance Certification

Obtaining Yoga Alliance certification involves completing a registered yoga teacher training program. These programs must meet specific standards set by Yoga Alliance, including a minimum number of contact hours, curriculum content, and qualified instructors. Upon completion, you can register with Yoga Alliance as either a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) or a Registered Yoga School (RYS).

Hamilton Yoga offers Yoga Alliance certified teacher training programs that meet the organization’s high standards. By enrolling in these programs, aspiring yoga teachers can embark on their journey to become certified professionals.

In conclusion, Yoga Alliance certification holds immense value in the yoga industry. It provides credibility, access to opportunities, encourages continuous professional development, and promotes a sense of community. As a leading yoga studio in town, Hamilton Yoga recognizes the significance of Yoga Alliance certification and supports its teachers in attaining this esteemed recognition.

Cash Management

Used Cooking Oil The Unlikely Black Gold

Do you use outdoor containers for your used cooking oil storage? If so, you could be losing hundreds of dollars each year – without even realizing it. You may not think that container of rancid oil is worth much, but to the right recycling company, it can be worth a considerable amount. Due to this, cooking oil theft has actually become a multi-million dollar black market commodity.

The reason for this is simple – recycling oil pays. While cosmetic and livestock feed companies have paid a small amount for used oil for years, the real reason for the upswing in theft is its use in manufacturing biodiesel. It is estimated that cooking oil theft, which costs the industry over $39 billion every year, has more than doubled since 2012. The problem is, many restaurant owners have found that law enforcement really doesn’t take the theft seriously.

Thieves target outdoor used cooking oil storage containers frequently, and you have probably been a victim without even realizing it. The oil snatchers have their own pumping equipment, and they often show up after business hours, when they are likely to have the most uninterrupted time to get the job done.

Therefore, the next question is, why is dirty cooking oil worth a thief’s time? The reason is, there are many companies that pay up to $.32 per pound or more for used cooking oil, and this is why the thefts have become such a problem. Recycling companies that use the oil for biodiesel are more than willing to pay those that bring the oil to them. However, they have no way of knowing if the oil is stolen, or simply from a smaller business that doesn’t need a massive truck coming in to haul it away.

So what does all this mean for those who have outdoor cooking oil storage containers? Well, you basically have three choices. You can start trying to put locks on the containers, ignore the problem altogether, or you also have the option of investing in a storage system that is kept inside the restaurant. For the most part, this is likely the better option. The thieves have been known to break or cut locks quite efficiently, and ignoring the problem means you have no qualms about losing money – and we all know that isn’t true.

While it may be just dirty cooking oil to many, it has become unlikely black gold for thieves – and something you should be worried about protecting.

Forex Trading

Using Support And Resistance Within Forex Trading Strategies

As every serious trader knows Forex trading strategies are an essential part of Forex training. They range from reversal through to continuation strategies with each one having its own specific set of rules, entry and exit points. Knowing how these Forex trading strategies work and when they are most likely to fail is a core element of the learning process for any aspiring new trader.

Another crucial element of Forex training is the notion of support and resistance. They re defined as follows:

Support – a price area where a horizontal line is drawn connecting two price hits which have bounced in the upwards direction. Market price is decreasing when suddenly it starts to pull back upwards. It then decreases again with another pull back at the same price level as the first one. The horizontal line that connects the two pull back price points is called the support line. The line literally creates support for that particular price level.

Resistance – a price area where a horizontal line is drawn connecting two price levels which have bounced in the downward direction. Market price is increasing thus moving upwards; but suddenly it starts to pull back in the downwards direction. It then reverses back into the original upward direction only to pull back downwards at the same price point as the first one. The horizontal line that connects the two price points is called the resistance line. It creates a resistance point at which the market cannot continue upwards.

The reason why it is crucial to know about support and resistance is because they can drastically slow down your profits or even reverse your Forex trading strategies back to create a loss. The point is that there is a reason why there is support or resistance at a certain price level. It does not matter what this reason is. What is important is that traders respect it as a potential profit stop. So, if a profit target is 30 pips but there is a heavy support/resistance line blocking the way at 25 pips, profit should be taken at 25 pips. If orders are left to fight the support/resistance lines you are simply hoping for the best. You may get through some of them but in the long-run it is not worth the wait.

Another factor to bear in mind is that support can become resistance and resistance can become support. For example, as price breaks through resistance whilst moving upwards it is very common to see the price pull back to the line it broke through originally and bounce back upwards as a result. In this manner historical resistance has now become new support. The same can happen in the other direction.

In summary, it pays to be extra careful when support or resistance lines are apparent in the market when Forex trading strategies are being used. It is common for a trader to lose faith in his/her strategy when they see it bounce from this horizontal line simply because they haven’t studied it in their Forex training. In this instance it is not the strategy that is at fault, it is the lack of knowledge.

Puppies For Sale

You Can Buy Designer Handbags In New York City For Affordable Prices

byAlma Abell

If you are interested in owning designer handbags, there are a few things that you need to know, before you buy designer handbags in New York City. There are many women who make the mistake of assuming that they have to pay the high costs that designer boutiques charge for the handbags. That is not the case at all. There is no reason to spend a fortune on a purse that you are going to use the same way that you would use a bag that you bout at an outlet store. You need to be smart with your money and consider buying your designer handbags from a second hand store like A Second Chance Designer Resale Boutique.

Before you are able to Buy Designer Handbags in New York City at A Second Chance Designer Resale Boutique, the bags are authenticated to ensure that they are the real deal. No one wants to buy a knockoff purse and the company takes the time to ensure that each and every purse they sell is the true bag that it is claimed to be. This will give you peace of mind that you are investing in a bag that has value and not a cheap imitation of the bag that you want.

There is no need to feel reluctant about buying the designer bags in used condition. Many people take very good care of their designer bags so there is no need to worry that the bag will be in poor condition or fall apart without minutes of buying it. The bags are thoroughly inspected to be sure that they are in good condition, before putting out for sale. No one will know that you bought the bags second hand and you will be able to use the money that you save to buy other things that are of importance to you. There are many times when designer bags are more affordable than people think that they are and someone will never be able to tell that you paid so little for the bag, when they see it on your arm or shoulder.


Expert Guide To Knives: The Must Haves For Every Kitchen

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to knives! Whether you are an aspiring chef, a cooking enthusiast, or simply someone who wants to upgrade their kitchen tools, understanding the different types of knives and their uses is essential. From paring knives to bread knives, we will cover it all.

The Chef’s Knife: The King of the Kitchen

When talking about knives, it is impossible not to mention the chef’s knife. It is often considered the most versatile and essential knife in any kitchen. With its wide, sharp blade and sturdy handle, it can handle a variety of tasks with ease. From slicing and dicing to chopping and mincing, a chef’s knife can do it all.

The chef’s knife is typically eight to ten inches long, providing a perfect balance between control and maneuverability. The blade is curved, allowing for a smooth rocking motion while chopping. This makes it ideal for slicing through vegetables, meat, and herbs.

To keep your chef’s knife in top condition and ensure its longevity, investing in a good quality sheath is important. A sheath provides protection for both the knife and your fingers, preventing accidental cuts when reaching into a utensil drawer. A chefs knife with sheath is a wise investment for any home cook or professional chef.

Other Essential Knives for Your Kitchen

While the chef’s knife is undoubtedly the star of the show, there are other knives that can greatly enhance your culinary experience. Let’s take a look at some of these must-haves:

1. Paring Knife

A paring knife is a small, sharp knife with a pointed blade. It is perfect for intricate tasks such as peeling, trimming, and shaping fruits and vegetables. The small size allows for precise control, giving you the ability to tackle delicate tasks with ease.

2. Bread Knife

As its name suggests, a bread knife is primarily used for slicing bread. With its long, serrated blade, it can effortlessly cut through crusty loaves without squishing or tearing them. However, don’t limit its use to just bread! A bread knife is also handy for slicing fruits with tough skins, like pineapples or melons.

3. Santoku Knife

Hailing from Japan, the Santoku knife is gaining popularity worldwide. It is similar to a chef’s knife but has a shorter and wider blade. The word “santoku” roughly translates to “three virtues” in Japanese, referring to its versatility in slicing, dicing, and mincing. If you enjoy preparing Asian cuisine or want a smaller alternative to the chef’s knife, a Santoku knife is a perfect choice.

4. Utility Knife

Think of a utility knife as a smaller version of a chef’s knife. With a blade length of around four to six inches, it is the go-to knife for various tasks that don’t require the length or heft of a chef’s knife. From slicing cheese and small fruits to trimming chicken breasts, a utility knife is a versatile tool in any kitchen.

Knife Care: Maintenance and Safety

Now that you have an understanding of the essential knives, it is crucial to know how to care for them properly. Here are some tips for knife maintenance and safety:

1. Handwashing is key

Avoid putting your knives in the dishwasher as the high heat and harsh detergents can damage the blades. Instead, wash them by hand using warm, soapy water. Dry them immediately to prevent the risk of rusting.

2. Proper storage

Invest in a knife block, a magnetic strip, or individual blade guards to store your knives safely. This not only protects the blades but also keeps them easily accessible during your culinary adventures.

3. Sharpen regularly

A dull knife is not only frustrating to use but also dangerous. Keep your knives sharp by honing them regularly with a sharpening steel or using a whetstone. If you’re uncertain about sharpening techniques, a professional knife sharpener can do the job for you.

Remember, always handle knives with care and caution. Keep them out of reach of children and use appropriate cutting boards to avoid damaging both the knife and your countertops.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of the different types of knives that every kitchen needs. From the versatile chef’s knife to specialized tools like the paring knife and bread knife, building a collection of high-quality knives will make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable and efficient. And don’t forget to invest in a chefs knife with sheath for added safety and convenience!


70 487: Microsoft Developing Windows Azure And Web Services Exam

Submitted by: Ella Rose

The main audience who should take the 70-487: Microsoft Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Exam are the software developers that need applications that help them to proceed in their careers and learn by certification exam that also provide them the title which they can show to reveal their skills and knowledge attained through the exam.

Certification exam are very fruitful as they provided you with unlimited knowledge and great skills with the title that is earned with little efforts and money. The individuals that are in their career need constant tools that help them to survive in the fast paced field of technology. Exams such as 70-487: Microsoft Developing Windows Azure and Web Services provide the core information and technical knowledge on the software that are in used currently. By clearing the exam, professional can become able to perform the installation, management and etc.

70-487: Microsoft Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Exam requires the following main objectives that are to be practiced, these include Introduction to Windows Azure in which the candidate have to learn about basic and provide the overview , Fundamentals of Azure Cloud Services and Storage that needs explanation, Web API Design and implementation is a very important topic that requires training and more concentration than any other topic , Implementing an API in ASP.NET Web API which is done through proper planning, Web API v2 Security, Build Web Services, the required Identity and Access Control in WCF which is necessary to know about, Understanding .NET and WCF Transactions that are technical, ADO.NET Fundamentals, Entity Framework , the candidates should know all the Approaches to XML Processing in .NET Applications, XSLT 2.0 and 1.0 Foundations, CLR Fundamentals and Introduction to Nugget which consists of all the principles and examples. These are the only basic objectives given to simplify the troubles of knowing the topics of the exam however to find out more about the course outline, student should visit Microsoft web page.

70-487: Microsoft Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Exam helps the individuals to gain some technical knowledge about Microsoft products that are used worldwide in thousands of Organizations. The professionals of information technology are very important in a way that they simplify and make the software user friendly by installation, configuration and troubleshoot when necessary. The system engineers and administrations are the main professionals that help the end users to connect with the technology also they maintain the productivity of the software and help others in working with the product in a more efficient way without any errors.

In order to have the preparations for the 70-487: Microsoft Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Exam, the IT professionals can visit the Microsoft web pages to determine the objectives that are a part of the test and then make their relative study materials helpful with the use of these objectives. Learning and getting train is the most basic tool one can have before taking the test. There are a lot of professionals that are taking this exam by getting enrolled and are preparing from various books and pdf files available on the internet.

About the Author: CertifyGuide supplies a comprehensive Variety of PDF Questions and Answers collection, which is prepare by skilled and competent vendors regarding

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Actual Exam.


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