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The Yamaha DGX-630 On Sale
Joseph Merkle
The new Yamaha DGX-630 should be high on your list if you are going to purchase a digital keyboard. You can find more professional ready keyboards made by Korg and Nord, but the DGX-630 model offers a surprising eighty eight key weighted graded hammer action, lending itself to the touch of a grand piano. The DGX-630 also has 64 notes of polyphony which lets you to play back 16 diverse elements, and has over 500 featured voices.
For folks like me that don’t have the room for a piano due to lack of space, the Yamaha DGX-630 will provide you the feel of a grand piano, but is only five feet long and 22″ wide and weighs only 80 lbs. It comes with an appealing wood grain cabinet and stand set for the customary height. But one of the really great features for those piano players {out there is the optional 3 pedal upgrade. Trust me, it s worth every penny. If the only time you get a chance to play is when the kids are in bed then just use the supplied headphones. You’ll swear you are sitting behind a Steinway.
Have you frequently imagined how cool it would be if the tune you were playing displayed as sheet music? The DGX-630 can display the notes to a song no matter if it comes over the Internet, the internal selections or those that you record on your own. The pages scroll automatically when playing back the songs. Now for you singers out there, the display window lets you see the chords and lyrics to XF compatible songs. A new twist has been added for those just beginning to play. The Yamaha Education Suite allows you to hear a song while you go along with the notes being displayed. The DGX-630 has 30 built-in songs plus seventy additional ones on the CD-ROM that Yamaha includes so you can teach yourself to play using the Yamaha Education Suite. The songs are split into left and right hand drills, providing 7 levels of lessons plus a convenient chord dictionary.
The DXG-630 has a USB to host and a USB to device port located in the rear of the unit. In my lowly estimation, it would have made more sense to place them in the front of the unit for easier access. The USB to host is for recording and playing MIDI files, and downloading data to and from your computer. You can use the USB to device for storage drives such as a thumb drive or USB flash drive. The Yamaha Education Suite will explain to you how to use these ports for the best results.
The 6 track sequencer lets you record one or several instrument song parts at a time and then assigns each part to a different track. This is similar to having your own built-in multi-track recorder. The DGX-630 gives you an expanded range of twenty nine superior reverb effects. This includes twenty four chorus effects, and twenty six harmony effects, as well as 182 DSP types for guitar distortion to rotary speaker tones.
I could share a ton more techno information regarding this keyboard, but I would like to share some personal observations instead. We have newly moved into a smaller and our choices came down to taking the dining room furniture or the piano. I asked a friend of mine who is has been a professional musician for 40 years now for some suggestions on replacing the piano with a keyboard.
He started by throwing out Korg, Nord, and Kurzweil at me. Seeing as how I won’t be going on tour anytime soon or cutting my next CD I got him to lower his expectations, just a little. So I told him I was thinking about a keyboard that had the touch of an acoustic piano that was reasonably priced. I asked him about Casio because my daughter has a Casio keyboard that was a riot to dabble on. That s when he recommended the Yamaha DGX-630. When I asked him why he singled out the 630 he said he was not surprised that Yamaha once more provided a superior product for the price.
Based on his professional opinion (much better than mine or anyone else’s you may find), I visited a music store close by that had one I could play. After spending just 15 minutes on this keyboard I was sold. It was just a matter of finding the best price after that. I dickered with the boss at the music store, and searched a few online music sites I had already purchased from before. Let me tell you the two well known music stores were way out of line. I did locate two online stores that have very competitive prices. Don’t procrastinate when it comes to purchasing this fine instrument. You will tumble head over heels instantly. Here’s to a lot of happy years with the Yamaha DGX-630.
When your
Yamaha DGX-630
arrives you will be shocked that a grand piano can come in such a small box. You will be more amazed that a keyboard can deliver the tone of a grand piano. For the best price
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